Is Your Business Ready to Refocus Its C-Suite?

by Luis Gallardo





How Renaming Can Inspire Current Leaders

In most organizations, people wish to leave it better than when they arrived: they aspire to deliver quality as well as achieve recognition and reward. This should come as no surprise—after all, very few successful people are content to simply work on a pointless endeavor for long.

The challenge, therefore, is to help people find meaning in their work: the element that they value and enjoy as well as the recognition of where they fit within the organization’s work. The 6Rs provide a great framework for this: they can help people understand what they do, why they do it, and their wider impact and benefit. They can connect with other people—both inside and outside the organization—and work with a common purpose.

To implement the 6Rs, the C-Suite must be renamed around these principles so executives can feel a new sense of purpose and direction in how they manage. Titles are labels that imply responsibility and accountability. If executives have new responsibilities, it is important to name them and to appoint somebody to lead them and assign the right resources to make it a success. Revamping the titles and organization of top execs like this is an amazing way to breathe new life into your business and pave the way for new ideas.





How Renaming Can Attract the Right Employees

To be one step ahead today in business, you must have continuous innovation and a strong sense of purpose. Renaming is a way to ensure that change is embraced and welcome. It sends a signal outward as well as inward. People who get excited and feel challenged with change will acknowledge that signal and want to work for you.

Big changes like this can feel risky, but ultimately you will attract more potential employees who are better suited for your company and who will enjoy contributing to your innovation and growth. Then the more you have to choose from with each job opening, the more selective you can be, helping your company gain higher-quality employees.

Change is one constant that can be counted upon, and change now must be re-evaluated in relation to the way we manage our organizations. Don’t be afraid to make a big statement with a big change and jump ahead of your competition. After all, the only thing harder than predicting the future is trying to ignore it.

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