Latin Business Today Debate & Debrief

by Latin Biz Today

What is the Latin Business Today Debate & Debrief series?

A new video section to serve the Latin Business Today audience as a dedicated forum for an exchange of ideas and diverse opinions on timely and relevant topics, which impact the Latino business community and Latinos at large.



July 17, 2013:
Debate & Debrief #3 – Topic: Immigration: Hispanics & Small Business
>View video
June 18, 2013:
Debate & Debrief #2 – Topic: The Affordable Care Act
>View video
June 5, 2013:
Debate & Debrief #1 – Topic: Internet Tax & Business, what’s your view


Who are the series commentators?

Latin Business Today’s esteemed guest commentators Israel Ortega and Jose Sueiro represent opposing views to both enlighten and provide perspective.


Israel Ortega of the Heritage Foundation

IsraelOrtegaIsrael Ortega serves as The Heritage Foundation’s chief spokesman to Spanish-language news media, including print, radio, television and online. And as editor of Heritage’s sister website, Libertad (, Ortega is responsible both for the content and for marketing it to a variety of audiences, including media, coalitions and legislators.
Ortega regularly contributes commentary to prominent Spanish-language newspapers and online publications. He is a frequent guest commentator on major Spanish radio and television outlets, including Univision, Telemundo and CNN International discussing Heritage’s research and analysis across a range of policy fronts.
Ortega writes a monthly column for El Diario La Prensa, the largest and oldest Spanish-language publication in New York City. His work has been featured in The Wall Street Journal as well as digital venues such as National Review Online, Real Clear Politics, the Daily Caller, the Huffington Post, NBC Latino, Fox News Latino and Latin Business Today.


Jose Suiero of the Metro Diversity Foundation.

Sueiro-head-shotJose Sueiro is a long time resident of the Adams Morgan community in Washington DC who makes his living as a consultant in the fields of affordable housing, small business development & communications. He maintains a website;, where he posts stories about DC politics and culture. He is the former owner of two Spanish language community newspapers for over 20 years and worked as a political appointee in the administration of Mayor Anthony Williams.
He was a panelist on “Reporter’s Roundtable” on the city’s cable Channel 16 and has been published in the Washington Post and Washington Times. Presently he is a featured writer for Washington Hispanic Newspaper, appears in a weekly political segment for TelemundoDC’s “Batalla de Ideas” and provides on air commentary for the worldwide news network HispanTV and Latin Business Today.

We welcome our viewers to share their comments for Israel and Jose on Latin Business