8 Components of Successful Small Business Marketing Plan
6. Measures of Success
- Evidence of impact
- Measurable, quantifiable, trackable over time
- Marketing, measures of success can be:
– An attitude based: a person’s held belief A folloewed by an action and now they hold belief B
– Behaviorial based: Target audience X did Y as a result of our communications. For example: Asked for information, purchased something, increased the amount of the purchase, increased the frequency of purchase, avoided an adverse behavior (did not lose customer, retained them)
– Revenue based: Sales increased X percent in Y time frame
– Acquisition based: Acquired X number of new customers in Y time frame
– Savings based: As a result of implement X changes, Y savings were achieved
– A return on investment: Spent X amount of dollar s and generated Y return
7. Critical Success Factors and Dependencies
- What are the key things you need to get right for the plan to be successful?
-This is a good check for you so you can be sure you have these items highlighted in your management system so you track them early and can spot if these items are getting off track and can correct them before it is too late.
8. Management System
- A management system is the framework of processes and procedures used to ensure that an organization can fulfill all tasks required to achieve its objectives
- Include
– Your key milestone dates for the plan
– Your cadence of calls with the Geo leaders to secure buy-in, interlock on plans, review and approve plans, check point on execution
– For example, here’s a calendar for counting down to the start of Q1 that would be paired with a marketing plan template that would be used by the team.
Embed these eight components into a project plan with a timeline.
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