Positioning Statement 101
Literature (including Wikipedia) is full of examples of successful brands and their positioning statements. All it takes is an Internet search to find out how similar brands crafted their statements. Ideally, you would start with a situation analysis to help you craft your positioning statement, but this takes time and money to do properly. The good news though, is that if you really understand who your customer is and can put yourself in his/her shoes you can often visualize all of the elements of the positioning statement.
Evaluating Your Positioning Statement
I have one last piece of advice. When you are done with your first draft, evaluate it against these criteria points:
1. Is it memorable, motivating and focused to the core customer?
2. Does it provide a clear, distinctive and meaningful picture of the brand that differentiates it from the competition?
3. Can the brand own it?
4. Is it credible and believable?
5. Does it enable growth?
6. Does it serve as a filter for brand decision-making?
If it fits all six – you are done. If not edit it until you are satisfied. Like everything, it is an iterative process, but it will save you many headaches as well as money as it will help you focus your activities and prevent you from the “I-want-to-be-in-Facebook-because-everyone-else-is-doing-it” syndrome.
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