Don’t Go Through Pain, Grow Through Pain

by Josi Gago

In life we can either “jump” over our pain or “go” through our pain…or as I like to say…”Grow through it.”


You see, this past New Years, I had the honor of welcoming 2019 in a place close to my heart, with people I  love but also bittersweet.

It was the home I sold as a result of my divorce where I once raised my four children, created dreams and saw the demise of what was once my marriage of 23 plus years. You see, the new homeowners are my friends and those of my children and are the definition of grace and a blessing.

Their invitation to attend their New Year’s Eve party was welcomed and accepted.  

Josi Gagio teaching Yoga

       Here I am teaching a yoga 

       class in the backyard (2011).

3 kids pool


With mixed emotions, I attended not knowing if my own bittersweet memories would surface or how it would all result.

I didn’t know what the outcome would look like but clearly knew that the healing was in the growing.  I understood that glazing over painful emotions only meant that they would manifest and resurface again in another form and would continue to repeat until the lesson was learned…I had to go.

The night was filled with laughter, music, celebration, and the making of new memories.

New Year's Eve bash 2019

      New Year’s Eve Bash 2019!

As I walked the grounds of this majestic space and touched the many oak trees from a time gone by, I could only smile and whisper a silent “thank you.”

There were no tears, only sweet memories, smiles, and a sense of peaceful thanksgiving for the opportunity to pay it forward.  Just as I was honored to be there so were the homeowners equally grateful for my presence.  Grace showed its full light!

Josi hand oak tree

One of many oak trees my children  frequently climbed. During the party I strolled the property and found myself thanking them once again for the many joys and memories we shared. 

home walkway

    Home is where your heart is.

oldest son Gio my second son, Gian-Carlo

My oldest son Gio with his girlfriend Amanda along side my second son, Gian-Carlo on  the right

Josi and Bill

          Celebrating 2019 with Bill!

Once again, I was reminded that memories are made only to be lived once in a lifetime and never repeated. Experiences should be many with each being unique and individual. So always remember to “grow through it” and that somethings in life are not worth the shortcuts. Feel it, live it and grow from it!

Welcome to 2019!