Everything Under The Sun….
Since we have completed my weeklong initiation of speed blogging, I don’t think it’s necessary anymore to title everything “Day Such and Such in the Life of a Blogger”–I think we have gotten to know each other quite well and have moved past that point. Now we can just continue on to normal blog titles so that being said…..I want to rave to you all about what an AMAZING weekend we just had in NY. We couldn’t have asked for better summer weather….it was just stellar! I hope you all had just as wonderful of a time as I did…..
My Saturday Morning Recharge–
One of my favorite things is that surprise feeling of seeing packages arrive for me at the front door. I know that I purchased them for myself–“From me, To me”, but sometimes with the busy life I have, I totally forget that I purchased something and I can trick my poor overworked brain into thinking of these packages as gifts!! And that is what happened this Saturday….as I groggily came downstairs to make some Keurig coffee for myself, I looked out my front door and spotted a fat package sitting on my doorstop. OOOhhhhh….what is it!
Love these special details on the leggings–sheer mesh and cool sports piping details.
Introductions Necessary…
I haven’t really had a chance to introduce you to the rest of the household. That would include the below characters who will probably be making regular appearances in this blog experience so here they are…
Miss Scarlet…..she is actually the true diva of this household. She thinks she is a human being and can regularly be found in my closet checking out my collection of handbags, shoes, etc.
Our awesome captain, Paul and his other half, Kerri, his wife!! She is our hostess and cruise director! |
What an incredible weekend and I’ll be looking forward to another weekend out on that boat!! In the meantime, I’ll be dreaming about owning and captaining my own yacht!!