‘Fashion After 40’ – Feeling Good About Yourself and the Clothes You Wear [Video]

by Michael Ambrosino

Tina Trevino, Tracy Gold and Cenia Paredes unpack Fashion and New York Fashion Week in the age of COVID19.

What does fashion even mean when we only have to look good from the waist up?

COVID19 has dramatically changed the landscape of the clothing design industry, disrupting manufacturing, closing stores, and the runways where fashion struts its stuff. Even this year’s New York Fashion week, an international event that brings two hundred thousand people, and more than four hundred and eighty million dollars to the state’s economy, was cancelled due to health concerns.

Crises creates opportunity, and so many smaller companies are finding themselves uniquely positioned to embrace innovative ways to design, create and market exciting clothing lines to new communities of shoppers the world over.

Tina Trevino, Tracy Gold and Cenia Paredes break down everything from their personal journeys into the fashion world, to inventing vibrant designs that celebrate inclusion, to changing societal norms of “beauty” that embrace a refreshing outlook about feeling good about yourself while finding clothes you’ll look great in.

Related links:

Fashion is Alive and Well in Times Square New York! [Video]

How the Pandemic has Changed NYFW and the Fashion Industry

Fashion is About More Than Clothes and the Show Must Go On! [Video]