Hispanic Small Business Summit Addresses Questions About Customers, Capital & Contracts [Video]
Thought leaders, professionals and business experts converge to support Latino small business owners
Join Us! October 7th in the NY metro
As the owner of a small business, it can be challenging to figure out where to turn for help when you have questions about key issues, such as capital financing, legal issues or customer acquisition and retention.
To help Hispanic small business owners manage these issues, Westchester County and Latin Business Today are once again teaming up to present the 2nd annual Hispanic Small Business Summit.
The upcoming October 7th Hispanic Small Business Summit, titled” Crossroads to Customers, Capital and Contracts,” will feature a keynote address and panel discussion led by Tony Jimenez, president and CEO, MicroTech.
The Summit, which is free, is designed to help small business owners:
- Expand their customer base
- Gain access to capital and financial planning
- Do business with county government
- Get advice on business contracts and incorporation
- Network with expert business leaders
To make those goals a reality, the panel discussion will feature industry experts from various disciplines.
Panelists will include:
Key note speaker, Tony Jimenez, president and CEO, MicroTech who will also serve as the panel MC
- Carlos Fonseca, SVP MetLife, formerly VP, at the Coca Cola Company, MasterCard and IBM
- Carola Bracco, CEO, Neighbors Link and formerly of GE, Ford and Time Warner
- Steven Alfasi, attorney, Ponzini and Novick, LLP
- William Mooney III, director, Westchester County Office of Economic Development
The panelists will focus on three key areas:
- Customers: How to reach your customers and increase your business through targeted marketing and innovative solutions.
- Capital: How to gain access to capital through loans and financing programs.
- Contracts: How to secure government contracts and grow your business.
Westchester County Executive Robert P. Astorino will kick off the panel:
“Attendees will have the opportunity to attend workshops and network with both private and public providers that can help start or grow their business.
Westchester County is particularly interested in fostering Hispanic-owned businesses because currently 10 percent of all small businesses in the county are Latino-owned.
As a result, we are working hard to create environments that bring business owners together to learn about every available tool that can help start or grow their enterprise,
Last year’s inaugural Hispanic Small Business Summit was a success, drawing small and medium-sized Latino- owned businesses, and perspective entrepreneurs from Westchester County and the New York metropolitan area.” said Westchester County Executive Robert P. Astorino.
Latin Business Today’s mentors and “Coach” Fernandez’s son:
“Attendees came away from the forum with tangible executable best practices and ideas to help them grow their businesses,” said Barry Mittelman, publisher, Latin Business Today. “This year we have included workshops delivered by Latin Business Today mentor contributors: Andrea Cotter, Mercedes Garcia, Senen Garcia, and Lisa Kaslyn, Robert Goodman, Alex Hart and Stella Vida .Latin Business Today’s legacy, mission and dedication to Dr Les “Coach” Fernandez will be shared by his son Richard Fernandez.”
Tina Trevino, Latin Business Today Director Community Relations
Participate in up to four workshops:
- Brand strategies, elevator pitch, networking Andrea Cotter, partner at Allegory Studios
- Web marketing: SEO, content marketing, social media Lisa Kaslyn, Prosper Communications
- Financial: Master Your Card electronic purchasing/inventory (MasterCard) and Alex Hart and Stella Vida of Hart Vida Raffo CPA firm covering funding options and credit health
- Legal: attorneys Steven Alfasi and John Murtagh from Ponzini and Novak, LLP, Robert Goodman, Senen Garcia SG Law will cover small business, incorporation, leasing, hiring and legal documentation, Intellectual property
The 2015 Hispanic Small Business Summit will the held on Wednesday, Oct. 7 at5 p.m. at Westchester Community College, Gateway Center Atrium, 75 Grasslands Road, Valhalla, New York.
To register, visit LatinBusinessToday.com/Success.
Sponsors include:
Gold sponsors: TD Bank, MasterCard
Silver sponsors: AdCorp, HCC, New York Life,
Bronze sponsors: Boy Scouts of America, Community Capital, Dominican Film Festival; of NY, Forme’ Urgent Care and Wellness Center, SBDC and SCORE, , Westchester Hispanic Chamber of Congress, Westchester Hispano
Food sponsors: Gaucho Grill Restaurant, La Flor de Jalisco bakery
While the event is free, registration is encouraged as seating is limited. For more information about the forum, call (914) 995-2900. To register, visit LatinBusinessToday.com/Success. Gaucho Grill will be holding a menu tasting and La Flor de Jalisco baked goods samplings.
Westchester Community College Gateway to Entrepreneurship, 75 Grasslands Road, Vahalla, NY
To register, visit LatinBusinessToday.com/Success.
Availability is limited…Register today here