Hydration Options Impacting Small Business Owner Health

by Gena Seraita

Looking at good beverage alternatives against a host of bad beverage choices.

Many small business owners drink multiple beverages during the many working hours of the business day. Here’s a look at a number of common beverages and their their healthy alternatives which over time will likely impact health and productivity performance.

Choosing the Best Beverage

Often when people think of healthful eating and nutrition, they only consider the foods they consume and play little mind to the types of beverages they are consuming.

Although liquids tend to be easier to consume and much less filling than solid food, the types of beverages that people consume can have a large impact on their health. While water is an important component of a healthy diet for maintaining good hydration, there are many other options available on the market these days which may not be as nutritious or hydrating.

Sugar-sweetened beverages

Sugar-sweetened beverages, such as soda, sweetened teas, and sports drinks, contain large amounts of sugar from simple forms of carbohydrate, which can raise your blood sugar levels when consuming in excess and may contribute to obesity and chronic disease.

Knowing which beverage to reach for when you are reaching to quench your thirst can be the difference in achieving your diet and health goals. This article will take you through some common varieties of beverages that are high in sugar and what they may mean for your health.

While everything can be okay in moderation, being aware of which beverages contain high levels of sugar and what alternatives are recommended to replace them can be helpful in navigating the beverage aisle and making positive decisions for your health.


Soda has become such a part of culture in the United States of America and many other countries.

You cannot get through any major sporting event or holiday season without being bombarded by commercials/advertisement for the major sodas we know so well. Yes they are sweet and bubbly and may even give you a quick boost of energy, it never lasts very long and we end up craving more sugar later.

Also, along with most things in our society, the portion of soda being consumed has increased.

Just a few decades ago, it was rare to see a soda bottle bigger than 8 ounces. Now sodas are typically sold in 12-16 ounce cans or bottles and often even larger fountain drink cups that can be as large as half a gallon.

These sodas are sweet, but the sugar content can add up even faster than you can drink it through your straw.

A 16 ounce serving of soda can have over 50 grams of sugar, which is the equivalent to eat 10 spoonfuls of sugar. The calories quickly add up but there is not much nutritional value there.

Consuming sugary sodas on a regular basis can increase your risk for chronic diseases, such as diabetes.

Diet sodas may be an alternative, but they also provide limited nutritional value and should still be consumed in moderation.

Alternative To Soda: Sparkling Water and Unsweetened Seltzer

Next page- Sweetened Iced Tea and Sweetened Coffee Drinks alternatives