Inner Knowing for Entrepreneurs- Accessing Solutions to Your Business Problems

by Lily Winsaft

No matter how technical and complicated a problem, small business owners have a universal source of information.


Consultants are expensive. When you contract a consultant, you are paying for expertise that you do not have.

This can be very valuable. Indeed, I have benefited greatly from “selling” my knowledge to those that do not know what I know. And I have earned every bit of financial reward gained through helping others where they lacked information necessary to succeed in one area or another.

Looking to experts for knowledge is very helpful, especially when you are an entrepreneur interested in success.

One might say that it is impossible to know everything that one needs to know in order to run a successful business, whatever size it may be. And this would be true. Except when it’s not.

Sometimes we look to experts because we lack confidence in ourselves or because we do not believe that we know the answers to the questions we seek. At times we may even know what we need to know but we lack the courage to execute. In these instances we are paying a price for ignoring that we actually know more than we think we do.

Or, that we are capable of achieving great things through sheer perseverance alone, for example.

No matter how technical, no matter how complicated a problem, what if you could tap into a universal source of information that would allow you to connect with what you need in order to thrive in your business?  

Maybe we can’t download information about how to fly a helicopter the way the character Trinity in the movie The Matrix does, but I believe we all have access to an infinite amount of knowledge that is stored in the universal memory banks. This information is accessible through our intention.

The human mind is an incredible machine capable of receiving and already possessing much more information than we can ever imagine.

Science is teaching us through quantum physics that all knowledge is stored within the very DNA housed in our cells. By activating our so-called “Junk DNA,” we are able to discover the unlimited potential we have within us to create and manipulate the universe.

We have only to set aside our limiting beliefs, step into our full power and trust in the capacity we have to move through every opportunity with wisdom and grace. For entrepreneurs, there is no greater challenge than to understand the seemingly complex nature of the structure of a business.

Key questions we face as small business owners:

  • What makes a business succeed?
  • How can technology be used to empower the very structure of our business?
  • How can we wisely utilize human capital to support our profitability?
  • What are the financial models that work for us? How can we establish credibility for our brand?
  • What limits us in causing our business to succeed at the level of our wildest dreams?

These are all questions we face daily as business owners.

Most of us do not believe we can answer these questions on our own. And often when we try, we fail. Fear gets in the way, belief systems we acquire in our childhood, such as “I am not good enough” or “there must be something wrong with me,” stand in the way of our success.

If we can put aside these limiting patterns in our behavior and in our mindset, we will begin to utilize the Inner Knowing that we have come here with and that we have acquired through the evolutionary process of our species. First, we must believe in ourselves and then we must trust that we CAN have this access!

Everyone has experienced what is called an “aha moment.”

These moments of enlightened truth come to us from the very source of Inner Knowing that I am referring to. Usually these aha moments occur randomly in our lives.

And when they do we are often astonished and amazed at the truth and wisdom within them. How can we cause aha moments to come to us at will?

How can we conspire with the source of Inner Knowing to bring truth and wisdom to our experience whenever we choose?

Next page- 3  tips to bring truth and wisdom to your life so you can succeed in your business