Small Business Measurement of Values Spectrum with Hartman Value Profile Assessment Tool – Part 3
The best way to hire, promote and coach individuals should be by using a combination of approaches.
Editor’s note: this is the third part of a three part Small Business and Hartman Value Profile Assessment Tool (HVP) series. Please part part one The Variance Of Value Judgment On Professional Growth- Part 1 and two The Variance Of Value Judgment On Professional Growth Part II.
Part III: HVP Leadership Assessment Review Conclusion
The purpose of this study was to determine the variance of value dimensions on professional growth as measured by the HVP and to discover whether there were significant differences between the HVP Part 1 world side (work side) pre-test and post-test scores after participants had been made aware of their results and coached on their opportunities.
Research in this specific area of concern has not been undertaken in any formal way to this point in time.
This research helps users of the HVP understand the variances in the:
- Intrinsic (I)
- Extrinsic (E)
- Systemic (S)
Value Judgment scores of the Hartman Value Profile (HVP) assessment Part 1 world side (work side) pre-test and post-test; which helped identified the significant differences between the Intrinsic,
Extrinsic and the Systemic values judgments assessment scores in Part 1 the world side (work side).
This study showed that the scores dropped significantly in Part 1 of the world side (work side) of the HVP assessment in two out of the three areas the Intrinsic (the ability to evaluate others and be perceptive in relational manner) and the Extrinsic (the ability for performing efficient and effective work, tasks, projects, and processes with dependability).
The participants took the recommendations received for improvement during their coaching session.
The participants then critically reflected on the information provided to alter their internal schemas and value systems. This helped individuals transform their practice that resulted in positive changed in their value judgment.
By cultivating a process for critical analysis and by providing an opportunity to teach and coach in holistic and humanistic ways proves that individuals can improve.
By seating down with an experienced, knowledgeable and caring person (coach) who can provide key elements for improvement with set goals helps participants believe in themselves. When individuals are encouraged and inspired to develop a more mature and “better” set of values develops.
Research indicates that by making participants aware of their opportunities to grow enables them the desire to become better-transformed people.
Finally, having a coach prescribe participants an outline of self-improvement “to-dos” gave the participants a map for success, accountability and motivation for growth to make a change and investment in self. The study’s findings can inform organizations by identifying the variances in judgment values that can contribute either positively or negatively to the success of leaders as measured by the HVP assessment.
After individuals receive the pre-test scores with recommendations on how to improve their low scores in their assessment individuals become aware of their strengths and opportunities and can select an area to improve in.
This can help organizational leaders target areas of improvement during the employees’ selection process and succession planning. It can lead to overall positive benefits to organizational goals. When organizations invest in their employee’s development and growth employees can excel and evolve having a direct benefit to the organizational goals.
With the growing publicity in organizations to use more and more employee assessment tools for pre-employment screening, succession planning, and professional development, it is both vital and important to recognize the strengths, purpose, and benefits in the use of coaching and these tools and such as the HVP.
Assessment tools have many benefits when used appropriately, for the right reasons and by appropriately trained, holistic and experienced professionals.
It is important that these assessments only be used as part of a bigger process because the implications and benefits for solely using any type of assessment to judge individual’s opportunities, strengths and abilities can be detrimental to individual’s future and growth.
As these assessments only highlight certain areas of individuals’ abilities and potential and should not be used as the be all and entire process for selection without having a full understanding of the individual as whole person and utilizing a variety of methods to fairly and equitably assess employees potentials and abilities.
The best way to hire, promote and coach
The best way to hire, promote and coach individuals should be by using a combination of approaches such as assessments, personal interviews, coaching, open conversations, referrals and/or observations to name a few to be able to gain a full understanding of who individuals.
In addition, build trust and rapport that can lead to obtaining the entire picture and story of that individual and in combination with an assessment/s an organization can only benefit from getting the entire story.
Versus just getting a slice of information about:
- Who the individuals are
- How they may perform
- How they can grow in relations to their strengths, abilities, and responsibilities
The data suggested that once subjects were exposed to their HVP pre-test assessment scores of Part 1 of the assessment in the results disclosing coaching session that in two of the three value dimensions tested participants demonstrated positive change and growth with a statistically significant difference.
The Intrinsic and Extrinsic value dimension systems represent the areas of:
- Relations
- People,
- Work-related tasks
These values demonstrate commitment and devotion to self-growth and professional development when individuals can engage positively with others and their work environments.
However, the Systemic value dimension did not have a statistical variance difference perhaps because more time is required with the individual to offer more specific recommendations for improvement.
Insights attained because of this research study may assist organizations administering this assessment scientific based research findings of the value of the HVP assessment tool and offer an opportunity for organizations not familiar with the HVP the ability to get familiar with a values-based system assessments.
Adding diverse strategies for professional development that embrace holistic coaching methods can enhance and add value to employers/organizations most precious assets; their employees.
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