Trying to Keep Your New Year’s Resolution? Try This Instead

by Teany Hidalgo

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

It’s curious how many wait to plan for the new year in December, January, and… sometimes never.  Failing to plan is planning to fail, as they say.

As we’re now in the new year, it’s common that people have set goals to go to the gym, eat better, go places, and lead better lives. But as the months go on, those dreams are overcome by daily tasks, and life takes over. The truth is, you don’t need to create new year’s resolutions and goals just at the end of the year. You can actually create the plan for your life and business right now – and thus formulate an easier and better way to help you stay on track.

Consider a recipe for success that has supported many people through the drudgery of planning for a new year in a way that’s more fun and effective: Incremental Progress. How about learning to get into better alignment with yourself and your goals by condensing your year into 12-week increments? Yes, a 12-week year to be exact, based on Brian Moran’s bestselling book 12 Week Year. You can plan for health, fun, business, abundance and more in short periods of time throughout the year, instead of planning for a whole year of goals that often fall flat or get derailed. 

Here’s how to plan for it:

Start by purchasing a book to document your steps like Brian Moran’s 12-Week Year Planner, or just a  journal of your own. Keep this book next to you wherever you are, morning through night, so that it’s a constant reminder. 

Then choose 1-2 areas of your life to focus on as a start, and so you don’t get overwhelmed, to create a vision. That vision is the purpose of why you care about and do things in specific areas of your life, work, relationship, etc. The purpose itself has to be emotionally tied and compelling enough, especially for those days when you don’t ‘feel like it’. And also strong enough so you use them as a vision for long-term happy life of your dreams. It’ll set you up for success and give you momentum because it’s based on your values and what matters to you.

Next is planning.

Choosing a goal with a powerful vision is a good start, but intentionally planning for it will help achieve  that dream long-term. It includes not just the goals and steps, but setting up accountability, support systems, solid commitments and making solid decisions around what you desire. Start easy by making a list of what you’d like to accomplish in each area for the next 12 weeks at a time. You can modify as you hit your next 12 weeks, so on and so forth.

Last is processes like scorekeeping, time use, and other tracking tools.

These all help you stay on point with your commitments and can be simple to set up. For example, you can use your google calendar to set specific timelines and add accountability partners that will follow up with you. Another is setting timers on your phone to help you take steps every day. And, of course, you can invest in apps or even a great coach to keep you accountable.

Then, get started as soon as possible.

Don’t wait any longer, start your 12 week year now as the launching-off pad to your personal goals and desires. Remember the best time to plant a seed in your life is right now. Reach out for support in helping that seed grow by contacting me at

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