10 Examples of Conscious Leadership for the 22nd Century
Creating an Archetype for High Frequency Corporate Leadership
Archetype concepts are intriguing to me and I believe them to be extremely powerful in creating new realities. I was first exposed to the concept of archetypes when I was a very young girl.
My father taught me that if I wanted to live the life of an extraordinary human being, it was useful to create the “archetype” of what an extraordinary human being looks like. Then, when I was a teenager, he insisted that I create the archetype of the “ideal woman,” a blueprint if you will, of the kind of woman I could aspire to become.
There were many conversations about archetypes while I was growing up, including the archetype of the “ideal man,” designed to help me manifest a husband with “superior” qualities. I wish I’d paid closer attention to these teachings when I was younger and put them into practice with more fervor.
Fortunately, I did eventually catch on and I’ve used the powerful tool of creating archetypes in many areas of my life, especially in creating my businesses.
Etymologically speaking, an archetype is an “original pattern from which copies are made,” and derives from the Latin noun archetypum. The adjective form is archétupos, which means “first-molded,” a compound of archḗ, “beginning, origin,” and tupos, “pattern,” “model,” or “type.”
The word “archetype” has been written about and used by scientists, psychologists, philosophers, artists, writers and many others in different ways and with varying purposes.
This fascinates me!
The way I want to use it in this text is somewhat synonymous with the word “blueprint,” which is a design that serves as a mold, model or a template. If you were going to build a house, you would not even attempt to do so without a blueprint.
Likewise, if we are going to design the model for entrepreneurial or corporate leadership in the 22nd Century, we need to start with a blueprint, a planned design. I am calling this The 22nd Century Leadership ArchetypeTM.
Moments after I sat down to write this piece a knot formed in my throat.
That is how moved I am about the concept of what conscious leadership could represent for humanity as a whole. I literally wanted to cry.
Tears actually did form at the edges of my eyes when I got present to how much work there is for us to do. While I am inspired by the many corporations that are paving the way towards conscious leadership, as I observe our political landscape (where the solution to violence in our schools is arming teachers) and to what some companies are doing to make a profit no matter the cost to human dignity and life itself I can’t help but know in my heart that there must be a better way.
In just the last 2 decades we have made so many advances in science and technology that I do believe we are more connected than ever with what it will take for us as a “collective” to move into total homeostasis as a species…a species that thrives all the while bringing harmony, balance and serenity to all living beings sharing this beautiful planet with us.
Next page: Small Business Leaders, Entrepreneurs and 10 Examples of Leadership