Leadership- Building Employee Trust and Eliminating Stress
Revisiting three articles on leadership
Article 1: 10 Ways Business Leaders Can Build Trust
10 components of leadership you can cultivate to build trust and effectively lead others
10 components of leadership you can cultivate to build trust and effectively lead others… a leader in particular. Thoughtful Transparency In Leadership As a result of technology that pries open the window on hidden …
A leader who takes the approach that building trust is good for business understands that a people-focused approach is important for business leadership. A leader with a transparent and genuine approach can gain the trust and loyalty from employees and customers and in return create effective brand ambassadors.
Who do you trust?
It is a difficult question to answer. Trust has different meanings in different contexts. Not sure you agree with that? Stop and consider your definition of trust.
According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary trust is defined as a belief that someone or something is reliable, good, honest, effective, an assured reliance on the character, ability, strength or truth of someone or something and a dependence of something future or contingent.
When asked about trust many people consider trust as involving consistency, reliability, authenticity and transparency. But trust is not all or nothing, it comes in degrees. You may trust a stranger to pick up and deliver your pizza but may not trust a stranger to pick up and deliver your child.
Or do you?
You do if your child rides a school bus. Your trust in the bus driver comes from your trust in the bus driving company who screens and hires the bus driver.
In reality you may have little reason to trust this company but you do because your school has contracted them and you trust the school. Unless you hear information that suggests otherwise you generally give your trust to others, at least for a short time, or it would be difficult to survive each day.
Trust is a necessary component of the social and business interactions. Believe it or not most people operate on a basis of trust most of the time for most things.
Yet, over time your experience with a particular person, thing or situation will have an impact on your decision to sustain a personal, customer, professional or business relationship with someone or someones business. Ultimately trust is important to be effective in life generally and as a leader in particular.
Thoughtful Transparency In Leadership
Read the Full article here.
Article 2: Are You Causing Second Hand Stress Among Your Employees?
Stress can be contagious it is important that you manage your stress well in front of your employees.
There are times and circumstances when experiencing stress can be useful.
Stress can be a motivator to create a change, it can help with mental focus and enhance physical performance. When preparing for a big moment, a performance, speech, test or the like stress has the ability to contribute to improving your performance.
However, stress will become a problem when that stress is repeated or prolonged over time. That includes your own stress or the stress you may be causing to others.
When you are running your own business there can be plenty of reasons to be under stress.
Operating a business, managing employees, negotiating with vendors, staying ahead of competitors, dealing with customers and more are everyday stressors.
If you are not managing your own stress well not only are you putting yourself at risk of negatively impacting your performance, you may be causing second hand stress among your employees which also puts their performance in jeopardy, which increases your stress and the cycle continues.
Understanding when you are not managing your stress well and that your stress can be causing everyone else stress is an important component of being the boss.
Read the full article here,
Article 3: What Kind of Under Stress Boss Are You?
Four insights to identify your behavior as a leader on stress.
If you want to improve your own health and the health of your workplace take proactive steps to create a healthy workplace. Set the example by monitoring and managing your own stress and invite your employees to learn about how to better manage their stress.
What kind of under stress Boss are you?
1. The Very Busy Boss:
The very busy under stress boss is frequently running around trying to put out fires. Often this boss talks and moves quickly, firing off emails, moving through the workplace, jumping in and trying to solve all the problems usually on his or her own.
The busy boss often expects everyone in the workplace to keep up and when others don’t the boss can believe that their employees are not committed enough to the organization. This can result in employees who feel insecure and unable to focus on their work at hand.
2. The Angry Boss:
Just as it sounds the angry boss is quick to become upset, argue, accuse and find fault including in public. The angry boss does not listen to explanations, often calling explanations excuses.
Among many outcomes of this type of boss is an increase in employees leaving or infighting among employees as they duck for cover and try to avoid getting in the bosses line of sight.
Read the full article here.