3 Mobile-First Apps to Boost Business and Drive Success

by Daniel Nieves

Technology and business partner with mobile apps to increase productivity



The nature of of work is changing. It’s no longer a place you go. It’s more and more about how we work, rather than where we work. Just think about your own schedule. Small business owners and entrepreneurs are frequently spending most of their time on the go: visiting customers, meeting with partners and suppliers, managing out new products, or even attending events and tradeshows.

And this is all happening across many locations, no longer just one. From home to the office, coffee shop to storefront. At the end of the day, you need to be able to get work done wherever you are and ensure your business continues to run smoothly.

This shift in how we work is being fueled, in part, by the rise and proliferation of mobile technologies. From smartphones to tablets to smart devices, mobile is enabling small business owners and entrepreneurs to get work done anytime, anywhere. And with this shift, we’re seeing a new breed of mobile-first apps emerging for work. These apps are reshaping how and where we get work done on the go.

Let’s take a look at few mobile-first apps that can help boost your business:


Staying organized is essential. Apps like Evernote make it easy to capture ideas, notes, or feedback regardless of where you are. Say coming out of a customer meeting, waiting in line for coffee, or on the subway. And these apps let you easily share and collaborate with your colleagues, making sure everyone stays on the same page.


Keeping track of expenses can be challenging, especially as you and your team are on the go. Think about it. Whether it’s after a stretch of work travel or client development, everyone dreads having to find all those receipts and enter expenses. But staying on top of this is critical. Mobile-first apps like Expensify make keeping track of expenses a breeze. So whether you’re hopping in a cab from a client meeting or waiting for your plane, you can snap a photo of your receipts and take care of them in the moment. No more having to dig out those receipts!


Effective communication is critical, whether it’s a team of 5 or 500.  You need to stay connected regardless of where you or your team are working, and ensure nothing slips through the cracks. Work apps like Cotap make communicating with your team fast and easy. So whether you need to reach your cofounder about the upcoming investor meeting, discuss the launch strategy with the marketing team, or share customer feedback, colleagues are only a text away.

These are just a few. But as the way we work continues to evolve, more mobile-first apps are emerging to tackle various areas of business. It’s clear that mobile will continue to be at the forefront. And whether you’re just starting off, or coming up on year three of your business, there’s a huge opportunity to improve how you and your business get things done thanks to mobile-first apps.

Don’t miss out!

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