3 Need to Know Programs on Cybersecurity From the SBA [video]
Given the uptick in security breaches, here are three notable cybersecurity best practices from the SBA.
Small business owners need to educate themselves on core cybersecurity best practices to protect themselves, their employees and their businesses.
SBA weighs in on cybersecurity, from 10 cybersecurity mistakes, cyberplanner and Start with Security: A Guide for Business- 10 practical lessons businesses.
1. Ten Cybersecurity Mistakes You Cannot Afford to Make – Tips from the Federal Trade Commission (webinar)
The consequences of a data breach can be disastrous for a small business.
The good news is there are steps you can take to protect your company’s data. Using the Federal Trade Commission’s Start with Security guide and drawing on lessons from more than 50 FTC data security cases, this webinar lays out ten key steps to effective data security for small businesses.
The training is aimed at small business owners who have basic familiarity with their company’s information technology. Topics covered include:
- Password policies
- Access Control
- Network segmentation
- Securing physical media
Cybersecurity for Small Businesses webinar
This self-paced training exercise provides an introduction to securing information in a small business.Topics include: Defining cybersecurity; Explaining the importance of securing information through best cybersecurity practices; Identifying types of information that should be secured; Identifying the types of cyber threats; Defining risk management; and Listing best practices for guarding against cyber threats.
2. Cyberplanner
Information technology and high-speed Internet are great enablers of small business success, but with the benefits comes the need to guard against growing cyber threats.
As larger companies take steps to secure their systems, less secure small businesses are easier targets for cyber criminals. In October 2012, the FCC re-launched Small Biz Cyber Planner 2.0, an online resource to help small businesses create customized cybersecurity plans.
Use this tool to create and save a custom cyber security plan for your company, choosing from a menu of expert advice to address your specific business needs and concerns. The FCC also released an updated.
SBA form: https://www.fcc.gov/cyberplanner
Next- Start with Security: A Guide for Business- 10 practical lessons businesses