A Healthy You is Essential for a Healthy Business

by Maria Trusa

Your personal health and that of your staff is also mission critical to your business success!


I think we can all agree that running a healthy business is critical to its success…so is the small business owner’s health.

If, for example, you don’t take proper care of your finances, accounting, operations, or other critical facets of your business, problems will begin to manifest and, if left untreated, they can really hurt your business.

Well, your personal health and that of your staff is also mission critical to your business success!

As entrepreneurs, we rely on ourselves and our staff to give it our all, day in and day out.

When we’re in the groove, we can all reap the rewards, but when we neglect our health, we can start to see the negative effects on our bodies and our business. In an ideal world, we would all lead a healthy lifestyle so we can be more productive; have more energy and be better focused on achieving our goals.

So, for the health of your staff and business, try promoting healthy living practices, as part of your employee benefits package, to provide a needed incentive for you, as well as your staff, to be mindful of their health on an on-going basis.

This can help improve workplace morale, performance and even lower your insurance premiums! Consult your benefits advisor or provider for turnkey programs that you can implement at your workplace.

However, I know that making time for everything you want to do on a daily basis is tough. So, another important tool at your disposal is preventive medicine.

Something as simple as proactively encouraging your entire staff to have a thorough, preventive medical check-ups, to monitor their health will increase the chances of staying healthy and preventing major issues from occurring.

The annual physical

A thorough annual physical will take a complete audit of issues that can affect a person’s health.

From checking a person’s eyes, ears, skin, and major organs, to conducting urine and blood analysis, as well as taking a person’s family history. It is easy to understand why the physical check-up is important.

But paying attention to the family history is equally important, as it will give the care provider the critical information needed to check and monitor conditions that may not be apparent through physical testing.

As an example, if your parents, grand-parents or siblings have had cancer, your care provider may want to run diagnostic tests earlier than usual to monitor for that condition.

Next- Preventive Screening Guidelines