Five Steps to Get Back On Track for the New Entrepreneur

by Eugenia Altamira

These five recommendations will help level set a small business owner’s focus and stress.


Editor’s note: This is part two of a two part series. In part one entitled Mental and Emotional Support for the New, we covered key quest to ask to re-evaluate your foucus  Entrepreneur.

There will be times when you stop for a while and there will be others when you question the efficiency of it all, but if whenever you feel you are spinning out of control, deviating from your chosen path, or need to reevaluate life a bit just go back to this then reroute and move forward.


1.   Get grounded:

 It is crazy how often we use these words and how little we really think about it.

There are different things that may work for you, here are some suggestions, feel free to pick the one you like the most.

a.   Conscious breathing:

Take 5 minutes to just focus on your breath.

Sit comfortably or lay down, they both work just as well. Close your eyes and place one hand on your lower belly and the other on your chest.

Breathe, just breathe, pay attention to the air going in, inhale until you feel your lungs and belly expand, release the air without any effort and repeat for 5 minutes (or as long as you want). Just keep your attention on your breath and allow this to calm and soothe you.

b.   Meditate: 

Meditation is not as hard as we all think it is, you do not need to keep your mind free of thoughts for long periods of time.

However, to not complicate things I would recommend having a short-guided meditation exercise handy either on your phone, or computer so you can have a quick and easy go to resource.

c.   Get grounded:

Yes, I know… but I mean it literally, hear me out, it is worth a try.

Walk to a park, your garden, back yard, nearest beach or patch of dirt. Remove your shoes and just feel the earth beneath you, visualize the energy from the earth going in through your feet and reaching every inch of your body.

No chance of going out?

We can be creative! Stick your hand on a flower pot and feel the dirt, feel the energy come in through your hand, preferably use the left hand, it works just as well as walking barefoot on the ground!

d.   Hug a tree: 

No you will not look ridiculous I promise, in fact I believe the energy we can get from trees is part of the fascination we all had as children with climbing them, they are after all living organisms that excel at patience and thrive through most anything.

2.   Gratitude: 

Once you’ve grounded yourself make a list of 3 things you’re grateful for, they can be little or big just 3 things that happened that day you can be grateful for.  

3.   Nurture yourself:

This is like giving yourself a reward and a pat on the back, think of something you truly enjoy and go for it.

It may be watching a favorite movie, listening to music you love, eating a special treat, calling grandma or looking at yourself in the mirror and gifting yourself with a smile and an “I love you”, anything that makes you feel good and nurtured works.

4.   Chose one action that will move you forward.

Just one small baby step in the right direction, it can be as tiny as “I will go to bed early and rest” or as big as “I will cancel the contract.”

5.   Ask for help.

Perhaps the most important one, remember we talked about the support network? Use it, when you feel the water reaching your chest ask for help, never ever wait for it to be at your neck.

If you want to build up on this plan here are a few more things you may want to try create a morning ritual:

  • Start small
  • Set a time
  • Be Consistent
  • Visualize how you want your day to go
  • Journal
  • Balance mind body spirit; exercise consistently.

Related articles:

Part 1: Mental and Emotional Support for the New Entrepreneur

Value Is in The Eye of The Beholder

Three part series:

Part 1: Latina Breaths Life into Respiremos a Company About Breathwork

Part 2: Latina Entrepreneur Creates an International Professional Training Start Up 

Part 3: Latina Entrepreneur on Business Growth and Work-Life Balance