How Resilient Is Your Small Business In Setting the Stage to Thrive?
Infuse your company with resiliency, with these 5 actions.
I came across an article in Forbes recently that shared how resilience is extremely important in business success.
As a leader in all my various roles, I constantly share why resilience matters in life, love and yes, in managing your business.
In today’s competitive market, smart ideas, excellent workers and a great product may not be adequate to keep a company standing in the work world. Companies and also the individuals who make up the company need to be resilient. Resilience is a hot topic in companies these days.
Resilience is defined by most as the ability to recover from setbacks, adapt well to change, and keep going in the face of adversity.
In the book, “Resilience at Work: How to Succeed No Matter What Life Throws at You”, author Salvatore R. Maddi eloquently explains that “Resilient people possess these characteristics — a staunch acceptance of reality; a deep belief, often strengthened by strongly held values, that life is meaningful; and an uncanny ability to improvise.
To infuse your company with resiliency, take these 5 actions:
1. Build your own resilience.
You can’t build a resilience team if you yourself are not resilient. Your employees look to you as a model. Maintaining a sense of balance between work and personal life can be challenging, particularly for managers. But if you’re physically exhausted, or feel overloaded or overextended, it’s much harder to be resilient.
2. Do not Be An Information Hog.
Throughout tough times, individuals want to know what’s going on and also exactly how it influences their job– as well as their continued work. But often, leaders err on the side of becoming much more tightlipped, and maybe even deceptive.
Often they don’t want to alarm their employees, and also occasionally they do not desire to show up as if they are not in control of the situation.
But you need to communicate even more during times of change, not less. And this communication requires leaders to be both strategic (“Here’s what the organization is facing and here’s what we’re doing about it”) and individually focused (“What questions or concerns do you have concerning the circumstance we remain in, as well as your part in aiding us take care of it?”).
3. Get Your People Involved.
Let them know that their efforts will certainly make a instant and substantial difference to the company’s focus and also profit once people understand the complete picture.
4. Encourage Autonomy and Flexibility.
I hate leaders that bark orders! Managers realize this… all workers should have a say in exactly how they do their job to make it more significant for them and thus more productive for your business.
That’s how they become more involved and efficient, which is crucial when things get rocky for the company.
Having a level of autonomy and flexibility make employees feel valued and thus their commitment level to the company that offers that to them rises exponentially.
5. Do not Forget to say thank You.
You are important and the chief culture builder in your business.
You have to recognize the significance of worker recognition. In tough times, you may not have the budget to do lavish events and give great rewards, however nothing ought to stop you from recognizing the effort of your workers in a prompt, sincere, and genuine thank you.
Resilience is needed in today’s businesses. Rapid, disruptive change is today’s world is normal.
It comes in bubbles, waves and sometimes tsunamis. To cope, leaders need to be agile and need to be and surround themselves with resilient people.
Resilient people are able to deal with uncertainty and react positively to change.” Isn’t that the kind of employee we’d all like to work with and manage?
Go build that team!
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