Latino Prepped for a Career in Major League Baseball [Video]

by Dave Torromeo

Latin Biz Today sports lead Dave Torromeo sat down with Anthony Pardo of Major League Baseball.

Editor’s note this is part one of a series.

I sat down recently to have a chat with Anthony Pardo. Anthony is Director of Partnership Activation for Major League Baseball. He has been with MLB for 14 years and had some interesting insights into his day-to-day work, how he attained his position, and his thoughts on MLB’s dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic going forward, fans returning, etc. We cover all of that and more in this video.

Anthony is a very nice and enjoyable young individual and I had fun doing this interview with him. Anthony has had several roles with MLB and provides some great information on sponsorship activation. As a Latino Anthony, U.S. born Ecudorian-American shared progress and insights on diversity and inclusion.

In part one we talked about Anthony’s career and how he got his start writing for Newsday and the importance of writing in today’s business world, especially for those interested in working in sports. I think you’ll enjoy this conversation.

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