Mobile Technology Serves Up Business

by Latin Biz Today

Whether used externally to reach customers or internally to keep in touch with employees, mobile technology is a boon to businesses of all sizes


Mobile technology has become nearly ubiquitous, and companies would be wise to use it as both an external and internal method to reach their audiences. This will become increasingly necessary as more and more people have access to mobile devices, including not only cell phones, but also tablets, phablets and wearables such as smart watches.

Companies now stay in a rapid-fire mode—and so do their customers. They’re always in a hurry. As a result, advertisers need to grab their attention wherever they are, in offices, on buses and trains, and at home.

In order to grab customers’ attention, your ad needs to cross your prospects’ minds at least three times.

The use of mobile apps, smartphones and tablets for daily business activities can save small businesses nearly $67.5 billion annually.
Companies that give their employees business phones to keep them abreast of work-related activities help circulate messages in secure networks and avoid external clutter.

Target audiences can be at all these places or maybe just one. It all depends on who they are. These targets can vary according to different businesses as well as different aspects of the same business. This is the reason why multi-screening is on the rise. The advertising rule of three says that in order to grab customers’ attention your ad needs to cross your prospects’ minds at least three times.

Now, these three times can occur simultaneously. For example, a television ad, a text message and an email can all reach potential targets at the same time.

Mobile Technology, Small Business and Brand Loyalty

Small businesses can steadily increase brand visibility through mobile technology. It both saves the cost of real-world promotion and helps reach prospects quickly and directly. The success rate can actually be measured against money spent that will guide what works and what doesn’t, almost instantly.

In 2014, AT&T and the Small Business Entrepreneurship (SBE) Council, a nonprofit organization promoting small businesses and entrepreneurship, presented a report that states that the use of mobile apps, smartphones and tablets for daily business activities can save small businesses nearly $67.5 billion annually.

Currently, businesses have multiple channels to promote themselves, but a single negative comment on the most nimble platform can decimate the business. Before launching into any channel, businesses need to listen to the conversations on each channel, equip themselves with a strategy to drive positive sentiment, and then consistently engage to sustain that sentiment. Sustaining sentiment and loyal brand ambassadors is tougher than creating them.