Money Matters for Latinos and the Future of the U.S.
A call for a national Latino agenda
Money matters because it is a vehicle to a better life for individuals and families, and it matters because it paves the ways for nonprofits to put forth programs to develop Latino talent, address health and wellness issues, and prepare the next generation of America’s leaders. And money matters because it gets people elected in Washington, D.C. and elsewhere. As a nation, we don’t need or want a Latino underclass. While we wait for foundations to augment their giving to Latino causes, we don’t have to wait to expand the flow of money emanating from the Latino community and directing it towards the expansion of opportunities for this large segment of the U.S. population. It is incumbent upon all Latinos to reach out and give and to reach out to help. What do we need? We need a well-structured national Latino agenda about Latino giving. This will amplify the message, coordinate efforts, and produce money to invest in worthy causes. Finally, a Latino agenda about giving and, more importantly, the mobilization of Latinos as givers will increase Latino leverage during political campaigns and elections, and help level the playing field in philanthropy and politics.
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