Say Goodbye to January!

by Tina Trevino

It’s the last few hours of January and although we still have a good chunk of cold winter ahead of us, I’m starting to feel the beginnings of spring……

The Christmas tree is down, the holiday decorations are put away, and the many stray pine needles from garland and tree have been swept out of the house! It’s time to get some spring decor up, make sure we are staying on track with our New Year’s resolutions and get ready to share some love on Valentine’s Day.

Signs of Spring…


The snow is still with us, but well dressed cardinals, finches, and local birds are tweeting up their own storm outside on our patio. Keep them around to make you smile by putting up a bird feeder. I could watch these guys all day and sip on my coffee. 
Hen and chick succulents mingle with wine corks in their own little terrariums to keep the dining room festive well after the Christmas and New Year’s holidays are over.
Can you tell we love our cork collection? Another fun way to decorate for that transitional time between winter and spring. A few feathered friends sculpted in stone signal the beginnings of spring!


What can I say–there is NO other way to say spring than with tulips!!! 


Staying on track with nutrition and fitness in the new year!!! Keep those resolutions on track–
Even when you’re super busy, making a healthy crock pot stew loaded with nutrient rich veggies and lentils will keep you on track with your diet goals. Load that pot up and go exercise, play with the kids, write your blog, do some work, etc…..


This is what you DON’T want to do!!! Here we go with Superbowl Sunday coming up tomorrow. Don’t overdo it on the bad snacks. Keep them healthy. Either make sure you have or take over to your host a crudité platter with dipping veggies and a healthy low fat greek yogurt dip or hummus. Be watchful of how much you eat–but do enjoy your party time with friends! Cocktails–yes!!


DO treat yourself to functional and stylish work-out gear that makes all your efforts that much more rewarding when you’re done!! Here I have some newly arrived purchases from Athleta. All were on-sale items that didn’t break the bank but are still very on trend with their super strappy back details!


My very attentive fashion stylist, Einstein assists me for today’s blog. He wants to make sure you take notice of my new navy track pants from Athleta lined in warm jersey fabric–these make going outdoors a bit easier on cold days. Perfect for putting on after a heart pumping, sweaty work-out to commute home.


Hello Love….
My collection of vintage Valentines gets used for multiple purposes. It’s a great collage to keep up on the wall, but my favorite way to use these is to decorate my stairway bannister for the holiday. They will be going up tomorrow mixed with some spring friendly greenery!


One of my tricks to dress up plain Valentines for the special people in your life–a quickie DIY project! Get some watercolors and have fun!! No need to be perfect or do anything too fancy. Polka dots, hearts, or if you have the patience for it–I LOVE copying the feel of “conversation hearts”…..”Yes Dear”!!!


Yep–there is most certainly a slight aroma of spring in the air!! I hope you are all enjoying 2015 and making all of the resolutions that you promised to yourself actually happen!!! It’s time to come out of your winter hibernation and get healthy, active, and social!!!