Small Business and Industry, Who Are the Heroes?
Failure is a common core to a heroes’ success.
There may be nothing on the planet that bothers me more than a poor effort. Whether students in school, team members on assignments or leaders responsible for others.
I love people that work hard. Not that hard work alone is going to make it happen, but I’ve just come to the conclusion that lazy don’t get anything done!
The people that make a difference at home, at school or in the marketplace are the people who care enough to put in the effort. The effort to know themselves, know their target audience and know how they impact those around them.
The effort to keep going when things don’t turn out how they planned because they know it is about the big picture, they have a macro view of the world versus a micro one. Those difference makers are the heroes. Those heroes are the ones that succeed versus those that don’t.
Every situation is unique, but nothing is more evident in successful people than the heroic tendency to go for the gold, to reach for the prize, AKA persistence. Heroes, the difference makers, are persistent. Perhaps I am inspired by my binge on the Dare Devil Netflix series I just finished but I believe the heroes are the ones who don’t quit.
Heroes in Business
What do Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison and just about every other great success story you may or may not have heard of have in common?
I’ll give you a hint. It isn’t their favorite food or weekend hobby. Their education or social status.
Ready for the answer? It was failure. Yes failure.
Each of these iconic successes in business and innovation failed before they achieved any notable success?
What if I told you that some failed dozens of time before having a break through?
But we don’t remember that their fail. What we remember is the moment their effort hit the jackpot! You know, we remember them as Apple, Microsoft and Electricity among other great achievements.
So who are the Heroes?
The heroes, the difference makers have failure as the common core to their success. They all tried, failed, learned, forgot (or chose not to remember) that they failed and tried again.
Rinse and repeat until they succeeded. And then guess what…They failed again, numerous times even after success.
The biggest difference that I have seen in the most successful people that I have met and read about (Famous or Not) is that those who have succeeded realize that there will be trials and tribulations along the way. They essentially went from “failure to failure without losing enthusiasm” as Churchill is famously quoted as saying.
Success and perseverance
In every great success there was those who doubted, those who overlooked and those who underestimated. But in every great success there was also someone who never gave up, kept pursuing their dreams and achieved what they sought out to achieve.
So what it is that you are working on as a small business leader?
Or maybe you are hanging out here because you see yourself as a Latino business leader in the near future, keep striving, keep dreaming and keep reaching because for those who want it bad enough, giving up isn’t an option. Go and make a difference.
Go be a hero!
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