Technology Trends Small Business Roundtable – Part 1 [Podcast]

by Michael Ambrosino

Listen to Latin Biz Today’s select experts share their small business technology trends insights.

Join Latin Business Today to explore the latest technology trends as small businesses navigate today’s disrupted economy. Our experts include: Logitech International’s Desirée Ortiz, SRP Interactive founder Sebastian Pincetti, AI developer and analyst Richard Rodriguez.

Technology does more than just move fast and break things. As the fundamental infrastructural aid for small business, knowing how to leverage technology for your company is more important than ever. From managing today’s remote and hybrid workforces, to making sure cloud services, web platforms and data solutions power your business forward, it’s all part of those tech trends that matter most today.

Humanity’s reliance on technology has been unprecedented during the pandemic. Now customers use any variety of screens to manage everything from their work-life balance, to putting food on the dinner table. Companies are responding by rethinking how their employees can adapt to balancing the additional opportunities and challenges of working from remote home offices. “What makes the most sense to keep teams engaged and collaborating?” says Logitech’s Desirée Ortiz. Adding, “Beyond the hardware, it’s really a cultural shift, a behavioral shift.”

Listen to Part 1 of the Latin Biz Today Small Biz Tech Roundtable

Creating immersive online experiences for company brands has never been more critical.

For Sebastian Pincetti of SRP Interactive, that translates into conducting web audits, shaping strategic social media campaigns and applying video production, software engineering and even video game development towards helping small business rethink how customers experience their brands.