The Ripple Effects of the November 2015 Global Travel Alert
Business travel and cross border business requires continued vigilance but keep traveling
Last night the President addressed the nation to provide reassurance in the wake of terrorist attacks within the last few weeks in the U.S. and abroad.
On the evening of 13 November 2015, a series of coordinated terrorist attacks occurred in Paris, the capital of France, and its northern suburb, Saint-Denis. Beginning at 21:20 CET, three suicide bombers struck near the Stade de France in Saint-Denis. We’ve all watched the coverage on the suicide bombings, shootings at cafés, restaurants and the rock concert in Paris.
The ripple effect of these Paris terror attacks has amped up concerns and reaffirimed the need to be cautious when traveling internationally. The horrific San Bernardino, California tragedy this past week will likely impact domestic travel. Those of us In the travel industry are anticipating a downturn.
This industry setback prediction was the result of the US State Department issuing a Global Travel Alert, warning Americans of potential travel risks.
The impact was greater as we’re in the midst of the holiday season. With ever-widening and more elusive global terror threats around the world– the cummulative effect has added to the travel industry’s challenges.
That said Travel Agents and Tour Operators internationally and domestically remain resolute in the face of media driven amplifications for ratings. We in the travel have opted for moving forward and continue to encourage travelers to travel.
What is the travel industry Consortia?
The travel industry Consortia as defined by Ana Figueroa: “In travel and tourism, a consortium refers to an organization made up of independent travel agents and agencies. They join together to increase their buying power, commissions and amenities they are able to provide clients.”
High level executives of the travel industry Consortia’s including Virtuoso, Travel Leaders, Signature, Ensemble, among others have armed member agency’s with talking points. In addition to talking points they offer actual facts and encouraging agents to use the facts. This preemptive strategy allays speculation in the climate of rumors circulating so that clients may make informed decisions.
Following the recent the attacks in France, travel insurance providers have seen a significant uptick in business– for example: InsureMyTrip recently reported a 20% increase in calls from travelers seeking insurance protection.
Despite what appears to be a rapid buildup of precautions and concerns in the wake of the Paris attacks, the travel industry has become hardened in the aftermath of 9/11 attacks remained confident during the week of November 23-30, 2015 – that with the right perspective life & business can move forward.
A leading Luxury Travel agent advised Travel Weekly (November 30, 2015 edition) that when his clients tell him they are nervous about travel in light of the State Departments Travel alert and the Terror attacks in Paris, the agent advises his client that they have every right to be nervous, and ultimately it is their decision whether to travel or not.
If asked by his clients what he would do – he says “I would go” or as I would add – “We can’t stop living or they win!”
Next- US State Department November 23rd Worldwide Travel Alert