6 Lessons When Choosing the Right Business Professional

by Carlos Garcia

An experienced and successful entrepreneur shares valuable tips on business professional team members

In a previous article I wrote about how I managed the second growth spurt for my Hispanic business. Along the way, I learned several lessons that I would like to share about selecting the right business professional.

Six Lessons Learned

1. In my experience referrals from one professional to the other can be very helpful as the person being hired will feel compelled to perform because their friends word is on the line as well as their own.

2. It’s important as a Hispanic small business owner to be as loyal, but don’t do so to the extent that it hurts your business. If you outgrow one of the professionals you work with, so be it.

3. If a professional you have counted on starts to take your business for granted, talk it out with them and give them a second chance. Bringing them back to the fold can be easier than breaking in a whole new person/team.

4. If anyone you deal with professionally tries to convince you to cut ethical corners:

a) don’t do it and

b) fire them

5. Stay in touch with your professional team even when you don’t need them invite them to your holiday parties, chat with them from time to time, etc. Keep them engaged and stay up with developments on their end too.

6. When someone is doing a great job for you, don’t be shy about communicating this to your fellow Latino entrepreneurs spreading the word about someone you really trust can help build a network of good will. But don’t do this for someone you don’t know all that well, yet this can get you into trouble if they flake out.

These six tips can help you choose professionals with whom to work. Building a good network of individuals can help Hispanic businesses succeed now and well into the future.

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