Jamie Skiles on the Impact of Sports Branding- Part 1 [Video]

by Dave Torromeo

Latin Biz Today’s Dave Torromeo chats with sports and consumer branding expert Jamie Skiles part 1

In a world where there is a gluttony of logo designers and branding folks there is one company (Phoenix Design Works), and one person (Jamie Skiles) who stands above the rest. His work has been used by leagues, teams and organizations, packaging for corporations and the list goes on and on. He is not only talented; he is a good man and great friend.  I respect Jamie so much for his talent, but more so for his easy demeanor, sense of humor, his willingness to work with people to get their jobs done, his flexibility honesty and work ethic.

The comprehensive list of clients, (professional sports, Bowl games, Collegiate–athletics and school, and consumer, my personal favorite is Fireball Whiskey—the logo, not the drink…hmmm, well…).  His portfolio is too much to list here along with his multitude of references.  Jamie did the logo for the Sports Business Institute and is a consultant to the organization. But our relationship/friendship goes back almost 30 years, and in all that time, with all of the pressure, deadlines, and I am sure more than a few tough clients, I have never seen Jamie flustered or angry.  Maybe his business partner has? (More on that later).

Marketing expert, Leland Brandt said; “When I first met Jamie, we were working on a high-profile event that required a poster and several other graphic elements. None of the submissions from any other agencies had been remotely well-received by the powers-that-be. With time running out, Jamie delivered a fully conceptualized deign, completely appropriated for the event. It met with universal approval and we were able to complete the project just in time. He was a pleasure to work with, upbeat regardless of the insane timeframe that we were battling. Due to this experience, we worked with Jamie several more times over the coming years, knowing that he provided excellent work, understood our goals, and had the kind of personality that made the design process go smoothly. I highly recommend him.”

James is an extremely unique talent in the overcrowded field of “Branding” consultants and graphic designers. He has a very specific ability to identify core values in the life of a brand and to then express them in both character, color and fontography systems. His shop is expertly managed on the business end by Amy Skiles. (The two met in busines and soon married). They deliver top-notch creative on time on budget.

“Jamie is in a class of his own. It was an absolute pleasure to get to work with him. His portfolio and client base speak for themselves. His design skills and aesthetic sense are unparalleled, and he has no shortage of ideas. Unlike some creatives who cling to their ideas at all cost, Jamie is very flexible, willing to listen and adapt. He can do so because there is no scarcity with his creativity – his next big idea is always right around the corner,”   according to Matthew Welch Managing Director of Pacific Coast Consulting Group.

Eric Edelstein President at Reno Aces Baseball adds, “James was the lead designer charged with creating our Naturals branding. He was very creative, willing to edit, and ultimately delivered us a brand which is now our lifeblood.”

Perhaps Jamie sums up his philosophy best: “Our job is to give the client, not what they wanted, but what they never knew they wanted until we gave it to them.” He does this with a class and style that is unmatched…. For more  more onPhoenix Design Works

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