Part one: Madrid- a photographic travel journey.
Hispanic Heritage
As a Hispanic residing in New York, many times do I get asked the most common questions of them all: Where are you from?.
Although I proudly reply immediately “Colombia”! With that sense of pride that every other Latino has, as they call out the name of the country of origin of their family.
But to the surprise of some, if we dig a little deeper and travel back a couple of hundred years or so, we will find that many of our family names came originally from Spain, which could of easily come to the new world via La Pinta, La Nina o La Santa Maria, or some other vessel from the time. And probably this would explain my fascination with Spanish music, food and wine and why this year I completed my fourth of what I hope will be many more trips to this European gem.
Plaza El Sol
This is the point of congregation of the city center of Madrid. One of the busiest metro stations can be found here, while every other tour bus in the city does the mandatory drive by. As any other day you will see street performers, musicians such as this duo energizing the public. THIS is the heart of the city.
The Royal Palace of Madrid
The palace is one of the largest palace in western Europe and the largest royal palace in whole of Europe. Boasting 2,800 rooms, many of which can be seen once inside with original decor from the porcelain room, to the dinning room.
The last king to live here left in 1931, but still today the palace is used to host formal events and dignitaries. Lines for the entrance can get a little busy during the day, I suggest to arrive early morning and avoid some of the bigger tours that arrive towards noon.
The Atocha Station
The station was once the first railway station in Spain, today it is still the largest station in the country and you can connect practically to anywhere you want.
There is the metro, Renfe and Ave trains, not to mention the numerous buses that come and go all over Spain. The station is not only famous for being the hub of transportation in and out of the city, but also for the interior garden one of the largest ones int he city.
Foodies galore
Madrid is one of the capitals in the world for any foodie. You can enjoy many delicious meals with a nice glass of wine at any of the many restaurants int he city.
Do keep in mind when choosing to seat outside some restaurants have different pricing for outdoor seating. You most certainly will enjoy your meal outdoors on a nice warm summer evening.
Next: Museo Reina Sofia and Food Market Mercado San Miguel