Latin Biz Today to Launch Latin Biz University (Latin Biz U)

by Latin Biz Today

Latin Biz U – A High Quality Trusted Learning Platform

Latin Biz University (Latin Biz U)

Latin Biz Today the Trusted Advisor to the Latin business community for ten years will launch Latin Biz U a EdTech university.


The need: existing small business organizations and government have limitations…SMBs need additional support both virtually and in person and live.

Colleges & Universities lean toward an academic approach vs. a practical ROI approach

This Latino smb audience is underserved, quality Latino business options are limited.

SMB owners are time starved – content needs to be succinct with minimal time investment.

Latin Biz Today’s 200+ trusted advisor contributors have exceptional track record and credentials with practice experience in their respective disciplines. A distinctive benefit for the Latin business community or for those looking to start a business.

One of our partners: Take a course on how to develop it, click Emotional Intelligence Lab.


Latin Biz U