Latino Education Performance Snapshot

by Latin Biz Today

Perspectives from US Government archives, select Latin Business Today articles and PEW insights.


These three sources provide different perspectives on Latino education. The status, what’s needed, what’s crucial…

Some of the US Department of Education material has been deleted but we were able to find salvage information from a newsletter.

Education is Crucial for Hispanic Businesses to Succeed

Stronger education from the start will lead to prosperity

 It behooves us to cultivate an entrepreneurial spirit among Latinos, starting with school.
Opportunities abound. It is about breaking barriers, leveling the playing field and unleashing potential. Just writing this piece I feel excited about what the future can bring for Latinos and the nation. It’s time. Let’s get it done!

Intentional Learning: Make a Difference in the World

Today’s technology 

enables a new generation exposed to more knowledge capable of making a difference in the world.

Designing learning requires a clear definition of boundaries and limitations as much as an environment for space and freedom.

All learning should be made visible and concrete as it is designed to be. It happens as teachers, institutions, government, students and parents (as stakeholders) create the conditions that facilitate the unfolding of human potential.

Until recently these stakeholders have been unbalanced; governments, teachers, institutions designed learning (active) for students (passive). We have begun the path towards a balanced learning where the voice of the students captures the same level of influence as other stakeholders had (not without a shock to the incumbents).

US Government Archives

Completed a Master’s degree, and 6.5% completed a PhD.

Data indicates that now, more than ever before, Latinos are graduating high school and enrolling in college at higher rates, becoming the largest minority group in our nation’s colleges and universities. Though the progress has been tremendous we are committed to ensuring that there is a continuous stride in college completion. 

Bucking the High School Dropout Rate

“We are making progress in increasing graduation rates not because of broad demographic and economic trends, but because the leaders of schools, districts, communities and states are working hard to drive change.” — Dr. Robert Balfanz, Johns Hopkins University School of Education

US Department of education June 2015

According to the 2015 Building a Grad Nation report the national high school graduation rate hit a record high of 81.4 percent, and for the third year in a row, the nation remained on pace to meet the goal of 90 percent on-time graduation by 2020. The graduation rate for Hispanics peaked at roughly 75 percent in 2013, falling six percent short of the national average. Grad Nation suggests expanding early education opportunities for populations such as Hispanics are necessary to narrow the graduation gaps even further.

Hispanics and STEM

Between 2010-2020 the overall employment in STEM occupations is projected to increase by 17 percent, yet not enough Latino students are pursuing degrees and careers in STEM fields to meet the increasing demand.  The lack of STEM representation is more prevalent at the postsecondary level with only 16 percent of Hispanics and 8.8 percent of Latinas completing their STEM bachelor’s degree.  You can view more information on the Initiative’s Hispanics and STEM Education Fact Sheet.

From US government archives

Next- PEW Weighs in on fve facts about U.S. Latinos and education