PGA LEAD Is Fostering Leadership, Inclusion and Diversity [Video]

by Tina Trevino

PGA LEAD is a program launched by the PGA of America in their commitment to mentor PGA members who aspire to be leaders within the association.

Each PGA LEAD annual Cohort is made up of up to 15 PGA members who participate in a two-year curated leadership development program. Cohorts are guided to become well rounded future leaders while also making sure to integrate diversity within the ranks of the PGA. With a goal of achieving a more accurate reflection of America’s population within the PGA, the association utilizes the five dimensions of inclusion: gender, sexual orientation, race and culture, generational differences, and ability.

Today we interview Linnet Carty, Director of Inclusion and Community Engagement for PGA of America, as she shares more about the program and her role within it. Linnet’s first generation, dual heritage, Cuban and Jamaican background gives her a unique perspective within the PGA.

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