As we cautiously and optimistically shift gears into life post-pandemic, our decisions on what to wear, how much we spend on fashion, how we feel about fast fashion, continuing to wear masks, excitement or anxiety about traveling and spending money for new wardrobes and so many other choices when it comes to fashion have all been reshaped. Our points of view on body positivity and comfortable fashion have also been redefined.
Fashion and beauty to some may simply seem like points of vanity and self-absorption, but after only a few weeks of pandemic lockdown in March of 2020, we know that not having a reason to get dressed up, put on make-up or keep to a routine deeply affected many of us emotionally, psychologically and physically. Life as we knew it changed and many of our hard-wired ways of viewing the world were altered along with our lifestyles and the choices we made when it came to fashion.
Join Latin Biz Today’s director of community relations and fashion lead, Tina Trevino, as she hosts 5 fashion and beauty industry experts to discuss how we see fashion moving forward through this new lens after a year and a half of cultural changes.
Tina is joined by:
Emme: Iconic supermodel, body positivity advocate and Executive Life Coach.
Ceñia Paredes: Owner, CEO and Designer of Cenia New York
Tracy Gold: Personal Stylist, YouTube influencer, and QVC presenter
Melinda Huff: Owner, CEO and Designer of Mirame Swimwear
Evan Elkowitz: Fashion stylist, writer and advocate for Cuban design and art
In Part 1, meet our panelists to find out a bit about their backgrounds and businesses. We start our discussion with “The Beauty of Comfort.”
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