Thinking Inside of Brazil’s Health In a Box
Brazil’s Center for Integrated Education and Health- A look into innovative healthcare delivery.
Going Global: Part 1
As the Center for Integrated Education and Health (C.I.E.S.) Brazil organization enters its tenth year providing innovative, High-Tech affordable and convenient preventive health services to over 1.5 M citizens of the greater Sãa Paulo region; the Founder and Council Board has made a strategic decision to take their successful, award winning brand of providing high quality medical care to the masses to a global audience. People are listening.
CIES Global is open for business providing preventive health services in a thriving affluent suburb of Greater Metropolitan Atlanta.
The Founder’s vision however is to make his brand recognizable as a global leader in providing an innovative new business model for healthcare delivery that can be individualized to any and all economic, cultural and geographic areas by displacing high quality medical care from hospitals and clinics.
“Doctor, the Patient Will See You Now!”
The CIES Global motto “treat, educate, prevent” positions you and your family’s health as the core driver of service and engages one to participate and take control of our own health and the health of our family. In essence, fulfilling the healthcare prophesy of Dr. Eric Topol’s* revolutionary book, “Doctor, the Patient Will See You Now!”
Dr. Eric Topol MD is professor of genomics and holds the Scripps endowed chair in innovative medicine. He is the director of the Scripps Translational Science Institute in La Jolla, California. Dr. Topol was named Most Influential Physician Executive in Healthcare, 2012 by Modern Healthcare.
The back story:
In 2008 Dr. Roberto Kikawa, a Brazilian Gastroenterologist fulfilled his father´s dying wish to create a model for compassionate health delivery that reached all citizens regardless of social status and education.
A practicing physician, academician and researcher, Dr. Kikawa was well respected and held several leadership positions in top University Medical Schools and graduate medical education centers in Sap Paulo Brazil.
His flourishing career also included a position in the State of São Paulo´s Ministry of Health which allowed him insight into the deficiencies and needs of the over 20 M metropolitan São Paulo citizens that were allowed universal health coverage through the federal ´SUS´ program.
Dr. Kikawa identified large segments of the population that had lack of access and poor healthy equity with regards to critical health services including vision and hearing screening, ophthalmologic services, screening for cardiovascular disease, CV equivalents (Type II Diabetes and Peripheral Vascular Disease – PVD) and malignancies of the GI, mammary and prostate systems.
The State´s poorest and most vulnerable citizens
The State´s poorest and most vulnerable citizens were sometimes waiting months or years for screening and procedures that citizens with private insurance obtained routinely and without obstacles.
Dr. Kikawa, using an innovative heath delivery model that he created and lean principles negotiated contracts with the State of São Paulo to provide directly in communities of the most vulnerable and underserved citizens health the most needed health services in a timely and efficient manner.
He demonstrated to the government officials through outcomes analysis that the public´s health could be improved with simple measures that saved the state monies in long term chronic disease management through early detection and treatment.
Health Van for Remote Areas of Brazil
IN 2008, the birth of CIES Brazil with the first “Mobile Health Clinic” (mounted on a 18 wheel transport vehicle) was presented and followed soon thereafter with a CIES “Health Van” and finally with the development of the award winning “Health Box” (a retrofitted container).
This uniquely designed, adaptable and innovative healthcare architecture has revolutionized delivery of critical public health services in the State of São Paulo and has been expanded to the surrounding states of Mato Grosso do Sul, Paraná, Santa Catarina, Rio de Janeiro, Goiás, Minas Gerais and Piauí.
CIES Brazil in the last decade has enjoyed a greater than 200 % growth, serving more than 1.5 M Brazilian citizens annually and continues to provide screening, diagnostic, and treatment services to 80,000 people per day. CIES Brazil currently employs an operational staff of over 500 employees.
Award Winning “Mobile Expandable Health Truck”
Next- University Hybrid Hospital Screening and Treatment Center São Paulo