Tips for Staying Healthy & Finding Everyday Joy During Challenging Times [podcast]

by Tina Trevino

Victoria Martinez, Yoga Instructor, Holistic Health Coach- Tips for Staying Healthy & Finding Everyday Joy During Challenging Times


As we’ve all been adjusting to our new normal routines during the coronavirus pandemic, it’s been a rough ride for many. Last week was a week of paralysis for most, as each and every day brought horrible news of dwindling medical supplies, empty grocery shelves and rising numbers of fatalities. By Friday afternoon, I just about had a panic attack when NY state followed suit after California, and Governor Cuomo issued a “stay home” mandate for non-essential jobs. Already, many companies had asked their work force to stay home the week prior, but this just made it all very real.

Many of us have now lost our jobs, some are working from home but still unsure of their job stability, and others have pivoted quickly to switch over to 100% virtual business models.

And for some of us the emotional swings have been challenging as the work from home model can either isolate those who live alone or suddenly bring together large families whom have not had to spend 24/7 together in a very long time.

Personally, I worry for my parents, the generation that still uses direct communication as their first form of connecting. My parents love to go to the mall, visit the casinos, work with a live travel agent to book their trips, travel to all-inclusive resorts and meet people. It’s hard for them to stay home. Keeping them virtually in the loop is not easy. Myself and my siblings made sure we got our whole family on a FaceTime call this weekend to test it out so everyone knows how to group chat. It’s important for all of us to know how to do it, including my parents.

The emotional challenge of it all has definitely been tough for myself as I’ve tried to figure out how to set up my home office to accommodate even more than I was doing in it before. I’m learning how to adapt most of my business to be done virtually although I still don’t have answers to how all of it is going to work. I know that my physical work-out routine has taken a back seat, I have not been able to sleep well, and I feel like I’m going to the grocery store every day to re-stock up on things that you can only buy 1 or 2 of because limits have been put in place to prevent hoarding supplies.

I was excited to take a moment today and virtually connect with yoga teacher, holistic health coach and personal trainer, Victoria Martinez who lives in Charlotte, NC to hear about some of her tips and recommendations on how to stay physically and emotionally healthy during these trying times. It’s an era that none of us could have foreseen happening, but I think if we can share our stories and support each other we can come out of this better than we went in.