Cuban American Latina Is a Major Asset to Florida’s Law Enforcement

by Phyllis Cambria

Tania T. Sanchez, 2018 Hispanic Woman of Distinction, Victim Advocate, Miami Beach Police Department, Criminal Investigation Division


“I believe Hispanic women face a challenging responsibility in today’s society, not only as role models for our own children and families, but as conduit of values and traditions to be passed onto our younger generations at the same time that we change the perception of gender roles in the Latino family.”

If you’re a fan of NBC’s long-running hit, “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit,” you may have heard the lead detective character, Lt. Olivia Benson, say to a fictional victim who wonders how they are going to cope,

Tania Sanchez“Don’t worry, we’ll get you help.” She likely means from someone like that City’s victim’s advocate. In the Miami Beach Police Department Criminal Investigation Division, when a detective reassures a real victim in a similar situation, they likely will refer them to a victim advocate like Tania T. Sanchez. 

Working with people who have been through the trauma of physical, psychological or financial crime, Tania does her best to make sure they receive the services and support necessary to lessen their victimization and help rebuild their lives. 

Previously, while employed by the Miami-Dade State Attorney’s Office in the Child Support Division as a Grant Manager-Family Violence Coordinator, Tania primarily worked with some of her County’s most vulnerable citizens – women and children who were the victims of domestic violence and/or marital upheaval.

She developed and reviewed grants and reports, gave specialized training to staff, assessed volatile situations and victims’ needs and provided access to community and government support services. She created programs such as the Parenting Time for Children in the Child Support System Grant and the implementation of the Victims of Crime Act Grant services.

Tania also participated in seminars and summits with other law enforcement agencies to help improve services and support for those affected by violent crime. 

A native of Cuba, Tania received her A.S. in Legal Assisting, her B.S. in Criminal Justice and her Master’s in Criminal Justice & Public Administration from Florida International University. Since then she has attended countless specialized programs and received numerous designations all aimed toward helping crime victims come through their experience without feeling further abused by the system. 

Since 2012, Tania also has worked part time as an ESOL and Citizenship Teacher in the Miami Springs Adult Education Centers helping Hispanic immigrants to learn English as a second language and provide them with life skills to help them better assimilate into their new lives in American culture.

Her efforts have won Tania numerous recognitions including being named “Civilian of the Month” by the Miami Beach Police Department, being honored by Governor Rick Scott with a “Medal of Unity” and a “Florida Crisis Response Team Recognition of Honor” for her work after the shooting at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando.

She’s also received tributes from the Cuban Women’s Club, Mothers Against Drunk Drivers, the Office of the Attorney General and the Coral Gables and Hialeah Police Departments.

Tania is the proud mother of three daughters, Tany, Tamara and Tatiana Sanchez. Her sisters, Ana and Adelsi, her nieces and nephews, her partner and friends are her most precious blessings.  

For more information, visit or 954-601-6550 or email:  

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Here are last year’s 2017 Hispanic Women of Distinction:

GLORIA L.  DIAZ-DANIELS –Div Sales Mgr Sales-Pharmacy Walmart – Palm Beach Colombian Born Latina Shines As Mentor and Walmart Sales Exec

ADRIANA FAZZANO FICANO – Chief of Staff, Broward College – Broward County Colombian-American Latina Leads College PR and Community Organizations

BLANCA GUERRA -Broward County Schools-Curriculum Sup/Dual Languages –Dade Cuban Latina Excels at Education and Preserving Heritage Languages  

KARINA GOMEZ-HERRERA – Pres. CEO Karnna Fashion & Company – Broward:  Outstanding Venezuelan Latina Excels as a “Hispanic Fashion Advisor”

Dr IVERIS LUZ MARTINEZ- Assoc Prof. Herbert Werthein College/Medicine FIU-Dade Cuban-American Latina Is a Premier Healthcare Anthropologist 

LORENA MASTRARRIGO -Assistant Public Defender, Broward County – Broward  Argentinian-American Latina Attorney Helping Hispanic Community

CHRISTINA PEREZ McDOWELL – Founder, Solutions by CPM, LLC – Dade- Cuban-American Latina Brand Manger and Executive Consultant

JACQUELINE NUNEZ – Co-owner, SOMA Medical Centers PA – Palm Beach Colombian Latina Healthcare Financial Officer Supports Those In Need

Dr. JACQUELINE PENA – Dean Academic Affairs – Miami Dade College –  Dade Dominican Bronx Latina Secure Grants to Drive Student Success

MICHELLE MARTINEZ-REYES- CMO, Greenspoon Marder Law Firm – Broward  Latina Cuban-American Chief Marketing Officer Is Growing Brands

MARIELLE SOLOGUREN – Vice President. Pierson Grant Public Relations – Broward Latina of Ancestry Cuban-Peruvian Making Waves in PR

RACHEL TOURGEMAN –Community Relations Dir.- Florida National University-Dade Panamanian-American Latina Community Relations Professional Advocates for Victims


DAISY EXPOSITO-ULLA – Chairman, CEO of d exposito & Partnersa visionary creative leader in cross-cultural brand building for more than 30 years, Daisy has been recognized by numerous organizations and named as one of the most influential Latinas in the United States.