Latina Chief Diversity Officer Supports Puerto Rico Hurricane Relief

by Phyllis Cambria

Meet Myrna Maysonet, a 2019 Hispanic Woman of Distinction, Chief Diversity Officer Greenspoon Marder

“With power comes responsibility to stand up for what is right and to serve as a role model.”

As anyone who enjoys watching courtroom dramas such as “The Caine Mutiny” or “A Few Good Men,” seeing military justice in action is not quite the same as watching theatrical depictions of civilian trials. As a former member of the Judge Advocate General’s (JAG) office for the United States Navy, Myrna Maysonet had to learn not only the rules of law for the United States but also the United Code of Military Justice as it applies to all members of the military.

Myrna Maysonet While serving as a Staff Judge Advocate and Counsel to the Captain of the Submarine Base at Kings Bay, Georgia, Myrna was an advisor on issues relating to military discipline, labor relations, employment law for the civilian workforce and state and federal laws. When she left the Navy and joined Greenspoon Marder (GM) in Fort Lauderdale, this experience has proved essential in their Employment Practice Group.

A graduate of the University of Minnesota Law School, Myrna is the first female partner at GM. Her position as not only a Hispanic but also as a member of the LGBTQ communities has provided her with a unique perspective that has allowed increased visibility and fostered more meaningful conversations that sometimes have been lacking in the legal community.

In her practice for her corporate clients, Myrna’s litigation experience involves a large spectrum of employment-related issues such as proactive training and implementations of policies to avoid or curtail litigation, defense of discrimination complaints based on race, pregnancy, disability or other protected categories, unpaid wages, minimum wage and overtime disputes and other employment class-related action cases, and representations of employers in regulatory agencies such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), Department of Labor (DOL), National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and similar state agencies involved in employer-employee relations.

Myrna is a frequent speaker at many employer-related symposiums and is often cited for her expert insights in publications and programs such as “Univision,” “South Florida Business Journal,” “Law360” and “HR Magazine” to name a few.

Her position in the firm also supports the philanthropic efforts of GM such as collecting and donating funds and meals to those displaced by Hurricane Maria in Myrna’s native Puerto Rico. Her fundraising efforts have also led GM to be recognized for the last three years as a top fundraising team for the Second Harvest Food Bank as GM donations provided over 112,000 meals to help Central Floridians.

As a member of the LGBTQ communities, Myrna was profoundly affected by the Pulse Nightclub tragedy. Working not only on her own but also in her capacity as a representative for GM, Myrna is working with the City of Orlando to create a Pulse Memorial at the Greenwood Cemetery which will be unveiled this year. Myrna is also a founding member of the Dr. Phillips for Performing Arts “Arts for Every Life” annual scholarship fund which seeks to help underserved communities.

As the mother of premature twins, Emma and Grace, Myrna understands the financial burden parents of premature babies often face. To help them, Myrna raises funds for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Orlando’s Winnie Palmer Hospital.

When not taking care of her active twins, Myrna enjoys reading and vacationing in Puerto Rico.

Hispanic Women of Distinction 2019

For more information, visit or 954-601-6550 or email:

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