Latina Venezuelan-American Is Committed to Helping Students Succeed

by Phyllis Cambria

Meet Amanda Laird Frey, 2019 Hispanic Woman of Distinction, Executive Director, Take Stock in Children of Broward County


“Hispanic women have an opportunity to integrate the traditional gender roles (i.e. mother, caregiver, housekeeper), while rising to the opportunities afforded to them in education and careers in today’s American society.”

The lyrics of the classic Whitney Houston song, “The Greatest Love of All,” starts with, “I believe that children are our future/Teach them well and let them lead the way.”

Amanda Laird Frey, as Executive Director of Take Stock in Children of Broward County (TSIC), along with her staff, supporters and volunteers also firmly believe that investing in our children’s education is how we can ensure that we have successfully prepared them to be tomorrow’s leaders.

Take Stock in Children of Browardis the Broward County affiliate of a statewide Florida non-profit organization that provides a unique opportunity for primarily minority, low-income and at-risk students, to escape the cycle of poverty through education. The program provides scholarships and mentoring for these students beginning in middle-school and assisting their progress through the early part of their college education.

Using her Bachelor of Arts degree in Biology and Psychology from the University of Miami, Amanda began her career doing field research in the Florida’s Everglades and the cerradosof Brazil, which is a vast tropical savanna ecoregion similar to the Amazonian rain forest.

Amanda eventually realized that her true calling was in education and she began teaching math and science at area public and private middle schools before becoming an Academic Advisor at Broward College.

She joined Take Stock in Children of Broward County in 2010 starting as a College Enrollment and Retention Advocate and later advancing to County Coordinator and Program Director before being named as Executive Director in 2016.

In addition to her mission to help improve the lives of deserving students through TSIC, Amanda devotes her spare time as Co-Chair of the Children Services Council’s Mentoring Committee, serves as a local community member of the La Leche League, and is a member of the 100+ Women Who Care Broward County among her other community affiliations.

Amanda, who is a U.S. native of Venezuelan descent, received the 2018 Local 10 News “My Future, My Choice LIFE Award in Education,” which recognizes an individual who has demonstrated a record of academic excellence, creativity in project innovation and leadership and has the ability to inspire others to reach their academic potential and effectively mentor or tutor students.

Along with her husband, Roger Frey, a sergeant with the Broward Sheriff’s Office, and their daughter, Kaleigh, Amanda and her family enjoys vacationing on the beaches of Cata, Venezuela and the Florida Keys and exploring Yellowstone Park. Amanda also likes running, gardening, cooking, hiking and dancing.

Hispanic Women of Distinction 2019

For more information, visit or 954-601-6550 or email:

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ADRIANA FAZZANO FICANO – Chief of Staff, Broward College – Broward County Colombian-American Latina Leads College PR and Community Organizations

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Dr IVERIS LUZ MARTINEZ- Assoc Prof. Herbert Werthein College/Medicine FIU-Dade Cuban-American Latina Is a Premier Healthcare Anthropologist 

LORENA MASTRARRIGO -Assistant Public Defender, Broward County – Broward  Argentinian-American Latina Attorney Helping Hispanic Community

CHRISTINA PEREZ McDOWELL – Founder, Solutions by CPM, LLC – Dade- Cuban-American Latina Brand Manger and Executive Consultant

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DAISY EXPOSITO-ULLA – Chairman, CEO of d exposito & Partnersa visionary creative leader in cross-cultural brand building for more than 30 years, Daisy has been recognized by numerous organizations and named as one of the most influential Latinas in the United States.